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China to take up 70% of Asia’s fair venue capacity this year

时间:2016-07-28 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

The largest market is China, where 56% or 11.19 million square metres of total space was sold. This is five and a half times the space sold in Asia’s second largest market, Japan (2.05 million square metres).

The China market grew 7.1%, while India posted strongest growth at 7.8%.
By the end of 2016, Asia’s venue capacity is expected to exceed 7.8 million square metres – while number of venues would likely reach 207, more than double the 100 venues in operation in 2004. 

Of this gross indoor capacity, China would account for over 70% with 5.5 million square metres floor space and 108 venues.

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