China National Tourism Administration (CNTA) has reported that 27.98 million of China’s work force were employed in the tourism industry in 2015, and a total of 79.11 million people were directly or indirectly employed in tourism. This constituted 10.21% of the country’s total employment that year. Direct jobs generated by entrepreneurship and innovation in tourism totaled 3.3945 million, equivalent to 12.13% of China’s tourism-related direct employment. Taking into account indirect employment, the number of jobs generated in this area totaled 9.523 million, or 12.04% of the country’s total employment in tourism. The 27,000 travel operators in China employed around 340,000 people, and star-rated hotels employed about 1.362 million staff. About 1.229 million people worked in the country’s A-rating tourist attractions. About 900,000 people worked in 42,658 homestays and hostels in China, 200,000 people worked in 17,000-odd economic hotels, and 6,400 jobs were created by shared accommodation. Leading online travel companies including Ctrip, Tongcheng Tourism, Qunar, Tuniu and Lvmama employed about 63,000 people, whereas the 60 national and regional travel e-commerce companies altogether had 120,000 employees. The 70 major themed attractions and aquariums in China, including Shanghai Disney Resort, Fantawild, Chimelong, provided 180,000 jobs, or 70% of all jobs in the attractions and resorts segment. It is thus extrapolated that China’s theme park and resort segment provided 250,000 jobs. (Translated by Jerry) |