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Sheraton focuses on the mice market of second and third tier cities

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Sheraton has permeated into many domestic third-tier cities. Several Sheraton hotels to open in the future will focus on MICE market.

Recently, Starwood Hotels and Resorts announced to add five new hotels in China in the next half year. The other 38 hotels are prepared to open. Starwood has operated 64 hotels in China and owned 400 hotels in 70 countries around the world. In the next year, Starwood plans to open 35 new hotels around the world and breaks the record.

In addition, the reporter also learned that Sheraton has become the Group's largest hotel brand and most popular brand in China. At present, Sheraton has permeated into many domestic third-tier cities. Several Sheraton hotels to open in the future will focus on MICE market and provide more opportunities for the local market.(Translation by Ella)

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