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Hotels ranked second in Travel Law satisfaction report

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Recently, Ctrip did an online research by thousands of users and released the first “Report of Tourists’ Satisfaction about Travel Law”.

China's first "Travel Law" has been implemented a year. Recently, Ctrip.com International Ltd., which is China's leading travel service enterprise recently did an online research by thousands of users and released “Report of Tourists' Satisfaction about Travel Law”. The report showed that 40% of tourists believed that the implementation of Travel Law enhanced their travel experience, especially the group tour. Tourists are most satisfied with online travel agents which are significantly higher than the traditional travel agency. Ctrip has also released the customer satisfaction data of its millions of users. (Translation by Ella)

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