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Ctrip estimates Shanghai Disney will generate RMB 33 billion annual revenue

时间:2016-06-27 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Ctrip has recently released a report indicating that the Chinese visitors of Shanghai Disney Resort spent an average of RMB 2,219 during their visits. The resort is projected to generate an annual revenue of RMB 33 billion if it achieves annual admission of 15 million.

Ctrip estimated, based on bookings of tours, FIT products and admission tickets, that the resort would receive 7.3 million visitors this year, or 40,000 per day on average.

Ctrip’s Travel Report on Shanghai Disney Resort shows that visitors from Chengdu spending on average RMB 3,128 at the resort are the biggest spenders so far, while visitors from Shanghai spent the least, at RMB 1,125 on average. Visitors from nearby Suzhou and Zhejiang who face low travel costs spent an average of RMB 1,200, while visitors from Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenyang who have to travel longer distances spent an average of 2,500 to 3,000 yuan on their trips.

The report also shows that visitors are more concerned with comfort than price when booking group or independent travel products. About 61% consumers preferred high-end (five-diamond) tours staying in five-star hotels, 30% chose four-diamond products while only 9% chose economic (three-diamond) products. The majority of consumers spent two to four days on the trip.

Ctrip experts estimated that an increasing proportion of the visitors during the upcoming summer vacation will be families, while 22% may travel with friends and a small number will make the visit alone. Of the admission bookings handled by Ctrip, adult tickets accounted for 83%, children tickets 16% and seniors tickets accounted for only 1%.(Translated by Claire)

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