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Qunar could follow eLong’s lead and go private

时间:2016-06-27 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

The offer of USD 10.12 per ordinary share is a 15% premium on the previous closing price. Qunar has a market cap of around USD 3.8 billion.

The offer comes from Ocean Management, “an entity related to Ocean Imagination”. Ocean Imagination was part of the consortium which took eLong private earlier this year.

Ctrip and Tencent were also part of that group. Ctrip of course owns 45% of Qunar after the share swap with Baidu last year. However, it looks as if the current offer comes from Ocean on its own rather than a group of investors.

And Ocean says that it “intends to seek the support of the company’s shareholders accounting for a majority in voting power for this proposal…”

As usual in these cases, Qunar has formed a committee to consider the non-binding proposal.

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