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Consumers think Google knows them better than travel brands

时间:2016-06-27 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Travel brands are falling short in the personalisation stakes according to the latest research from data specialist Boxever.

The Dublin-based company carried out research on 500 consumers revealing that almost three-quarters think Google knows their habits, preferences and interests well.

By contrast, the report shows only 42% believe travel brands get the basics about them right.

While research in the past has often shown travellers are willing to give up information in return for a better experience, this latest Boxever study shows consumers don’t want to give up personal information.

More than half of those surveyed say they don’t want brands to have any of their personal information.

Millennials seem to provide the only light at the end of the tunnel with the age group saying they are twice as likely to believe they’ll get a better experience if they provide personal data.

Further highlights:

1. More than half of respondents say they shop online a couple of times a month but 95% of them say they see the same ads at least once a week showing poor retargeting.
2. Travel is doing worse than other retailers with almost 49% of respondents saying retailers would use their data to improve the customer experience compared to 27% who felt the the same about the travel industry.
3. Travellers continue to feel bogged down by the options in travel with almost half saying they are overwhelmed and 95% checking multiple sites before booking a trip.

The full report can be downloaded here (registration required).

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