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Qyer launches Chinese travel guidebook in Paris

时间:2016-06-23 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

This year's first quarter saw the number of Chinese visitors who traveled to France jump to 6.5% year-on-year. In 2015, about 1.2 million Chinese tourists visited Paris, surging 49% over the previous year.

Chinese travel information website Qyer.com recently launched the first Chinese version travel guidebook for Paris, and they are available at the arrival halls of Paris airports, and several other well-known tourist attractions, including Palace of Versailles, Disneyland and French department store Galeries Lafayette.

The brochure aims to provide free visual information for Chinese travelers after they land in Paris. The guidebook summarizes essential information of restaurants, accommodation, traveling, and entertainment and shopping, it also includes some coupons that can be used at airport duty free stores.

Cai Jinghui, chief executive of Qyer.com, said,"Qyer.com launched travel guides in Melbourne, Tasmania and Boston before, and they often run out of stock. We believe that it will be quite useful and popular for Chinese tourists in Paris."

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