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Wooing the Millennial Traveler

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Marriott, ending 2014 with a bang, is eyeing the new type of traveler: the millennials.

Marriott is ending 2014 with a bang: Just last month the company announced free WiFi for loyalty guests at hotels, and this comes just after Marriott made waves by announcing the biggest hotel development push in the company's history.

Now, with a deeper dive into Marriott's tactics, we're learning about the new type of traveler the hotel group is eyeing: the millennials.

Marriott officials confirmed in an investor meeting that more emphasis would be placed on designing a new type of experience for younger travelers over the next three years.

What's this mean for the generation Y traveler? According to Marriott, it means newly designed guest rooms that eliminate traditional bulky furniture and wasted closet space, and more emphasis on technology, like extra outlets and more plug-in space for multiple devices.   

In another nod to younger travelers, Marriott plans to introduce mobile check-in and check-out capabilities at nearly 4,000 Marriott hotels by the end of 2015. 

But there's more to appealing to this generation than just fancy technology and strategically-placed power outlets.

If there's one thing millennials know, it's how to share. Socially, that is. From check-ins to photo postings, there's nothing a Gen Y-er won't share, which is why it's equally important your hotel cater to this trend. 

If you're not on Facebook, you're already missing out.

Luxury hotels like Four Seasons have already put iPads in guest rooms, pre-set with social sharing buttons, and brands including Hyatt, Marriott and Wyndham continuously offer social media promotions, clearly targeting this demographic of travelers.

The real question facing most hotels now, is, how to compete? With so many brands appealing to the next generation of travelers, how can your hotel ensure the booking? Here's my suggestion: be social, and often.

Make sure all of your properties have a presence on social media channels, and follow your guests to get to know their likes and preferences before they check-in.

Today's millennial travelers are less concerned about the size of their room and whether they have a view. You'll gain repeat guests by learning their preference for tea over coffee, or knowing what type of music they prefer so you can have room service set the right channels during turn-down.

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