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China Travel Innovation Challenge to be initiated in 2016 TravelDaily Conference

时间:2016-06-21 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

China Travel Innovation Challenge (CTIC) is another innovative competition initiated by TravelDaily China, after the inauguration of THack China and China Hotel Innovative Marketing Award in previous TravelDaily events. 

The final of the CTIC competition will be held in the afternoon of the second day of the 2016 TravelDaily Conference.  

The finalists will demonstrate their innovative products to a panel of esteemed judges and an audience of more than 1,300 senior executives in the travel sector. 

The panel of judges will assess the nominated products by five criteria, including product value, user experience, technological innovativeness, business model and potential business value. 

Six to eight finalists will be selected from amongst the entries of international or domestic companies to vie for the China Travel Innovation Award.

Interested parties please email Vincent Liang at vincent@traveldaily.cn with the subject line: "TravelDaily CTIC". 

Application deadline: August 1, 2016 
Finalists confirmation: August 5, 2016 

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