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Hong Kong ranks second most appealing luxury destination worldwide

时间:2016-06-15 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Hong Kong is the World's second most appealing luxury retail destination after London, according to a new report from real estate consultant JLL, the Destination Retail 2016 report also reveals that seven of the top 10 cities with the highest presence of luxury retailers are in Asia Pacific. 

The research, which for the first time provides a global ranking of cities by their appeal to cross-border retailers, reveals that Hong Kong is second only to London in its popularity. Also among the top 10 are Tokyo, Shanghai, Singapore, Beijing, Osaka and Taipei.

"Hong Kong remains Asia's leading luxury shopping destination with many retailers using it as a springboard for expansion into Mainland China," says James Assersohn, Director of Retail for Asia Pacific, JLL. "While there has been a noticeable slowdown in luxury sales in the city due to China's slowing economy and the government's anti-corruption crackdown, Hong Kong continues to attract many high-spending mainland tourists."

"More broadly, the dominance of Asian cities in the index highlights the attractiveness of the region to retailers, thanks to its burgeoning middle classes and growing levels of affluence," explains Assersohn.

Tokyo, which takes fourth place globally, has seen a revival in luxury retailer's demand for high quality real estate as a result of an improving economic climate and rising tourism numbers.

Shanghai, meanwhile, at number six in the ranking, is catching up fast on Hong Kong to become one of Asia's leading luxury retail destinations and still remains Mainland China's premier shopping destination

"Overall performance of the luxury sector will depend not only on economic growth, but on factors such as volume of travel and increase in the number of high income households. As such, the strong growth in high income households forecast in Asian cities in the next 15 years should mean that Asia remains at the forefront of luxury spend growth, both domestically and abroad," concludes Assersohn.

Top 10 Global Cross Border Luxury Retailer Attractiveness Index 2016

1. London
2. Hong Kong
3. Paris
4. Tokyo
5. New York
6. Shanghai
7. Singapore
8. Dubai
9. Beijing
10. Osaka & Taipei

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