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Rruu.com receives RMB 15 million in series A round

时间:2016-06-06 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Rruu.com, an O2O service platform for outbound FITs, has raised RMB 15 million in its A-round funding. Lenovo’s investment affiliate LeFund took part as the lead investor, and Rruu.com’s angel-round investor Initial Capital followed. Rruu.com has earmarked the funds for product upgrades, platform research and development as well as marketing.  

The company offers destination service in three ways. It provides destination information such as attractions description and reviews and admission fee as references for itinerary planning. Based on users’ bookings, the company then provides itinerary management services such as visual navigation, attraction audio guide, electronic tickets and attraction LBS (location-based services) . As well, the company makes available online customer services, providing users with personalized service and emergency response during their trips.

The complete range of service is designed to help users solve all problems they may encounter during their journey. Since its inauguration in 2014, the company has extended its services from a single destination of Australia to a host of popular destinations in Europe, Asia, Australia, the United States, New Zealand and Fiji. 

Shifeng Pan, the company’s founder and CEO, said that Rruu.com has set up its own offices in New Zealand, the United States and Fiji to directly deal with local suppliers and get rid of intermediaries. 

The series A round was initiated after Rruu.com launched its App in June last year. (Translated by Jerry)

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