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China drives double-digit growth in UK visitor numbers

时间:2016-05-29 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Records have been set in 2015 for inbound visits with strong growth from Britain’s major inbound markets including the US and Europe and double digit growth from newer markets China and the United Arab Emirates.

The latest figures from the Office for National Statistics show stellar growth from China with visits up 46 per cent on 2014 to 270,000, and spend up 18 per cent to £586 million, moving China into the UK’s top ten most valuable inbound markets.

Visitors from the US spent £3 billion, a record not only from this market but the first time a single visitor market has broken the £3 billion spending mark.

“Britain boasts some of the best attractions in the world and drawing more visitors in from key markets like China and the US is fantastic news for the whole country and shows our tourism strategy is working.”

At the same time, France overtook Germany in 2015 to reach second place for visitor spending, up four per cent to £1.5 billion with visits up one per cent to 4.2 million.

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