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Australia's Argyle launches a new brand for China

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Argyle Hotel Group (AHG) announced to unveil a new brand, Ausotel Smart, to adapt to China’s emerging middle class, young adults and business travelers.

Argyle Hotel Group (AHG) on Wednesday unveiled its new brand, Ausotel Smart, which will target China’s emerging middle class, young adults and business travelers who are seeking a unique travel experience.

Jeff Zhang, general manager of AHG’s new Guangzhou, China, office, said the Ausotel brand has a target of 150 branded hotels over the next three years. “Smart can be understood as ‘simplistic and modern art’ and is representative of smart hotels, smart customers and smart investors,” said Kevin Zhang, CEO of AHG China. “It will provide clientele with simplistic design in a functional space.”

AHG signed agreements with American Standard as well as design firms DDA and ANS. AHG also signed four new management contracts in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, Ningde, Fujian province as well as two in Yunnan province’s Shangri-la and Lijiang. AHG claims to be the largest Australian hotel management group with 60 hotels, 12,242 guest rooms and US$2.8 billion of assets now under management in China.

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