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Belt and Road Initiative to accelerate tourism in Europe

时间:2016-05-22 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

To Europe, China's Belt and Road Initiative is not only about goods, but also about people-to-people exchanges, especially in the tourism industry, according to Ujhelyi Istvan, vice-chair of the Transport and Tourism committee of the European Parliament.

Last month in Europe, Istvan has helped to launch the Europe China One Belt One Road Culture & Tourism Development Committee, which aims to promote exchanges in cultural and tourism sectors between China and Europe.

In Europe, the tourism industry has created 25 million jobs and its annual output value is about 350 billion Euros. China's tourism industry is also booming with the development of the Belt and Road Initiative.

The number of Chinese outbound travelers in 2015 was 120 million. Those 120 million Chinese outbound travelers spent a total of 684.1 billion yuan overseas, according to China National Tourism Administration.

There are about 4 million visits of Chinese travelers to the European Union in 2014, according to statistics .

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