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China sees more inbound tourists

时间:2016-05-22 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Amid China's effort to enhance its appeal as an international tourism destination, Chinese travel agencies are seeing new business opportunities in tourists from overseas.

China's inbound tourism has regained the attention of travel agencies, thanks to the 10.9 percent growth of foreign visits in the first quarter of 2016, shared a source.

Industry insiders said inbound tourism will soon be back on a fast track of development. The China National Tourism Administration expects more than 137 million visits paid to China in 2016, an increase of 2.5 percent over the previous year. International tourism revenue is forecast to increase by 6.5 percent, reaching $121 billion. That would be the second consecutive year of growth for China's inbound tourism market.

However, the number of overseas tourists flocking to China also creates challenges for tourism attractions because in the past more than 80 percent of overseas tourists came in groups, but now more than 70 percent come to China on their own.

Therefore, high quality restaurants, hotels, better connectivity and foreign language signs must be provided to accommodate their needs.

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