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Adrenaline Hunter raises Euro 600,000 to build out the team

时间:2016-05-22 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Adrenaline Hunter, an online booking platform for extreme sports and outdoor activities, has raised Euro 600,000 from a number of investors.

Participants in the funding include one of the startup’s team, Denis Fayolle, who is described as a serial entrepreneur having previously founded LaFourchette. The restaurant reservation service was acquired by TripAdvisor two years ago.

According to a statement the funding has been invested in recruitment.

Other members of Adrenaline Hunter include Maud Mathe, former marketing boss at tours and activities site Excursiopedia. Excursiopedia announced in March that it was suspending its online service to focus on developing a new platform.

Mathe is joined by Philippe Bichet, who will look after operations and finance for the startup.

The statement lays out the objectives for the Paris-based company for 2017, which include gathering customer reviews on activities and providers, with the aim of becoming a trusted source for the outdoor experiences.

The startup also wants to put in place a back-office system to manage inventory and suppliers’ calendars as well as integrate weather forecasts into the booking engine.

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