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Wan Zi Earth completes A round with millions of yuan from Alibaba

时间:2016-05-13 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

ChinaTravelNews learned that Wan Zi Earth completed its A-round funding with millions of yuan in January this year. The round was joined by SuHeHui, N5 Capital and Yinxinggu Capital, with Alibaba as a strategic investor. 

Established in March 2012, the Shanghai-based startup raised millions of yuan from N5 Capital in the angel round in 2014. Wan Zi Earth was among the first batch of outbound tourism BBS sites in China, but it has transformed itself into a P2P platform for overseas tour guides with Chinese-language services. 

The company’s services cover more than 600 cities in over 50 countries worldwide, with thousands of tour guides, mostly overseas Chinese and Chinese students in the destinations. 

Wan Zi Earth has set standards for pricing in each destination and local tour guides can offer travelers personalized service based on the pricing. The company’s main income is commission from the transactions between tour guides and travelers.   

Companies in the same category of Wan Zi Earth include Triptrotting in California, and Xianlvke.com, 8pig.com and Nilai.com in China.(Translated by Jerry)

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