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China Southern to adopt Travelport's rich content and branding

时间:2016-04-21 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Travelport and China Southern Airlines, China’s largest airline, today jointly announce the extension of their multi-year content agreement. The agreement ensures Travelport customers worldwide will continue to have full access to the airline’s fares and inventories via the Travelport Travel Commerce Platform. 

China Southern Airlines is now live with Travelport’s Rich Content and Branding. China Southern Airlines is now able to retail and display its product offering more effectively via enhanced descriptions and rich visual imagery.  In addition, China Southern Airlines will now be able to make tailored or personalised offers to both individual travel agencies and/or the corporations that a Travel Management Company services via Rich Content and Branding, improving its engagement with targeted agents.

The addition of China Southern Airlines means that all four of China’s largest carriers are now live with Rich Content and Branding, along with over 150 other carriers globally.

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