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Social media outrage after woman claims attack in Beijing hotel

时间:2016-04-11 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

An alleged attack on a woman in a four-star hotel in Beijing caused public outrage on social media on Wednesday.

The woman posted her story on Weibo in which she claimed she was followed and attacked by a stranger in a hotel while several passersby, including an employee of the property, did not help.

The incident spread quickly online.

In just a day, the story swept social media sites, such as Weibo, WeChat and other platforms.

Millions of Internet users vented their anger over the incident and some women voiced concerns about safety at public places.

The Homeinns Hotel Group, a popular budget hotel chain in China and the parent company of the hotel where the alleged incident took place, said the group is cooperating with police in the investigation.

Meanwhile, some have questioned the whole incident. Some said the timing of the claim raises doubts as Homeinns Hotel Group has just delisted from the stock market and joined BTG Hotels, whose big stock holder is Ctrip, China's largest online travel agent.

Ctrip announced on its official Weibo account on Wednesday that they are treating the incident as high priority and the company is ready to help the victim. They also asked the hotel to report to police and added that they will cooperate fully with the investigation.

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