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The future of the front desk

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Some hotels have begun using “Self Check In” services allowing guests to bypass the traditional check in process. Will such services take the place of desk clerks in the future?

Self service technology has been around for a while. Airports have been using kiosks to limit lines and improve customer service. These advances are beginning to find their way into hotels and with each new advancement comes something else for hoteliers to consider.

Some of the branded hotels have already begun using “Self Check In” services allowing guests to bypass the traditional check in process. With any new technology, cost is always a deterrent for smaller properties, but when the price does come down, is it worth it?

Arguably the biggest advantage to self check in is the time savings it can offer. Kiosks or mobile check ins can help guests speed through the transaction or skip the desk completely. Larger properties will find more advantages with these systems. When a property has hundreds of arrivals everyday, the self check in option provides better customer service to every guest, even the ones not using it. The guests who utilize self check in are going to help thin the lines at the desk, and without the added stresses of a long line, desk clerks are able to better focus their attention and efforts on the guests who need assistance.

Smaller properties can benefit from them as well. As the size of a property gets smaller, so does its staff. This often requires each employee to perform multiple jobs. Ideally there will always be someone at the desk, but realistically it isn’t always possible. During the evening shifts it’s not uncommon for the front desk staff to be found delivering luggage or towels to guests around the property. During this time away from the desk, occasionally another guest will be looking to check into the hotel. A kiosk in the lobby can help them until the clerk comes back.

There will always be a learning curve to these kinds of technologies, and a human touch will always be needed. The Self Checkout lines in a grocery store are a good example. The lines can move much faster than traditional ones, but if something malfunctions or someone isn’t familiar with the process, any time savings can be quickly lost while an employee will need to intervene. So don’t think about replacing your desk staff with a kiosk, the human touch will always be needed.

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