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Groupize Solutions Appoints Two New Executive Positions

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Groupize Solutions, the leading online group booking technology provider for hotels, resorts and chains, appointed two new executives to support continued growth and development.


To support their current demand and future growth,Groupize Solutions, the leading online group booking technology provider for hotels, resorts and chains, is pleased to announce further expansion with the addition of two new executives. Janssen Choong will join as CTO and Venkat Korvi as Vice President of Product Management. Living up to their reputation as travel technology visionaries, both of these key additions will leverage their expertise to bring the best of online travel innovations to the groups and meetings space to solve tough problems and evolve antiquated processes.

Janssen has over 15 years of tech experience starting in San Francisco, over to Malaysia and now in Boston, MA. Coming recently from Booster, a company focused on group based fundraising and with experience building the Hotwire.com hotel's system, he has worked with startups as well as large corporations with more than 2,000 employees building systems and teams that deliver. Venkat will lead Groupize's product team in creating meaningful user and customer experiences through intuitive design and product development and overall product strategy. This USC EE and Babson MBA grad draws on his previous product experience in travel at TripAdvisor and search engine design.

"We are thrilled to have Janssen and Venkat on board," said Groupize President and CEO, Charles de Gaspe Beaubien. "With their unparalleled knowledge in online travel, product development, and other advanced technologies, they will be an invaluable asset in accelerating Groupize's expansion. Over the past several years, Groupize has developed groundbreaking signature technology which is shaping the future of how hotels grow and manage their group booking online, and their specialized experience is a perfect fit."

The high demand for the award-winning group Groupize platform ensures the company will continue to attract and retain key talent from the online travel world. Groupize offers the complete group lifecycle management suite comprised of the Group Booking Engine (GBE), the Pipeline Response Manager (PRM) and the Groupize Hub. Features include online instant booking and on demand functionalities, business rules engine, lead management system, call center app, negotiated group rates, and planner self-service tools via dedicated group microsites and a mobile apps. All these capabilities work together to help hotels attract, convert and manage group business while reducing dependency on 3rd parties and increasing sales team productivity.

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