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Switchfly’s executive VP Named as Chairperson of Digital Travel Summit APAC

时间:2016-04-02 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

World Business Research (WBR) named Switchfly’s Executive Vice President of Corporate and Business Development Diego Dugatkin as the Chairperson of the Digital Travel Summit APAC.  The summit will be held at Amara Sanctuary in Sentosa, Singapore from April 12th-14th, 2016.


“I am honored to chair the Digital Travel Summit APAC and be amongst the thought leaders, experts and innovators within the travel technology industry.  At Switchfly, we have been keeping our pulse on the market with a keen focus on the APAC region.  I look forward to the engaging discussions and sharing our insights about the region and industry,” said Mr. Dugatkin.  

“I am proud to have Diego represent Switchfly at the summit.  It will be a great platform to connect with our partners and clients within the region.  As a dominant player in the industry, Switchfly is uniquely positioned to help airlines, hotels, online travel agencies and financial services to capitalize on significant growth opportunities within APAC,” stated Daniel Farrar, CEO. 

WBR’S Digital Travel Summit APAC is the only senior level eCommerce and digital event for APAC’s leading hotels, airlines and OTAs, focusing on how to personalize customer engagement, leverage data analytics, capitalize on mobile and optimize eCommerce platforms.

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