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HotelPlanner acquires Hotel Hotline, pushes ticket-plus-hotel packages

时间:2016-03-30 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

HotelPlanner, which specializes in group travel for meetings, sporting events and weddings, will acquire Hotel Hotline, a booking site that says it has served more than 1 million customers since its founding in 1999.

The terms and valuation were not disclosed.

HotelPlanner, which has 130 full-time employees and helps 2,000 groups a day, says that it plans to do more acquisitions as part of its strategy of growing beyond group and professional travel.

Aimed at individual bookings, its newest technology is flexible event packaging, which enables an event organizer to customize a package “in real-time” to mix event tickets, such as for a sports event, with their choice of hundreds of hotels and room types.

Founded in 2002, HotelPlanner has offices in London, Hong Kong, West Palm Beach, and Las Vegas. It has a niche in offering hotel procurement for sports teams, such as the San Diego Chargers, the Washington Redskins, and AFC Wimbledon, among others. HotelPlanner also owns Meetings.com, which offers services around hotel stays.

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