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BTG Hotels announces to sell BTG International Travel & Tours

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

“Abstract of Major Purchases and Assets Buying and Related Transactions Report (Draft)” was released by BTG Hotels yeaterday.

Yesterday, BTG Hotels (Group) Co., Ltd. released its “Abstract of Major Purchases and Assets Buying and Related Transactions Report (Draft)” which announce to sell its 51% stake of BTG International Travel & Tours to China Long Travel Service and buy 70% stake of Nanyuan Holding Group.

BTG Hotels (Group) Co., Ltd. (“BTG Hotels”) is a large all-encompassing publicly-listed Chinese tourism company, specializing in hotel management operations, scenic destinations, travel arrangements and other commercial activities. It is reported that the transaction included assets selling and assets buying.

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