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Shanghai Disneyland on trial operation and tickets to be sold in March

时间:2016-02-18 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Gearing up for the grand opening on June 16, 2016, Shanghai Disneyland Resort is now running trial operation.

According to a report of 21st Century Business Herald on February 16, Jianmin He, the state evaluation specialist for Shanghai Disneyland Project, revealed that preparation works included infrastructure construction, interior decoration, fine-tuning facilities, recruitment and training, as well as other support services such as transportation, landscaping, signage, and developing sales channels and public relations. Shanghai Municipal Tourism Administration will also develop supportive facilities including visitors gathering points, visitor centers and parking lots. 

The first list of authorized travel agents for the resort has also been released with 30 online or offline travel companies including Ctrip, Tuniu, LvMaMa, Jin Jiang, China Comfort Travel and CGZL (GuangZhiLv). The authorized companies can offer group tickets or include Disney tours in tour packages, but they are not allowed to sell unbundled tickets. Tickets will be on sale from March 28. 

Mr. He predicted that the Shanghai resort would receive up to 10 million visitors in the first year, more than its sister park in Tokyo for its opening. The number of visitors is expected to soar to 16 million when the park is further developed. The estimated per capita spending in the park would be RMB 600-700, and shopping will be a major source of revenues. 

Based on the average admission prices for weekdays and peak days, Shanghai Disneyland would make an estimated ticket revenue of over RMB 2 billion in the first six months of operation. 

According to the 13th Five-Year Plan consultation paper on Shanghai Tourism released in January, Shanghai will capitalize on spillover effect of the Disney theme park and further develop related sectors including culture and creation, animation design, specialized exhibitions, film and television production, retailing, sports and leisure. (Translation by Jerry)

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