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China Southern sets new record in international passenger numbers

时间:2016-02-18 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

As Asia's largest airline in fleet size and passenger numbers, China Southern Airlines announced last Saturday that since Jan. 24 it had operated over 6,000 international flights and carried more than 920,000 international travelers, increasing 14% year on year to reach its record high.

During this period, the company has totally handled over 360,000 domestic and international flights and more than 4 million passengers.

According to historical records, there are usually less passengers during the first three days in the Chinese New Year. However, due to the sunny weather in most parts of China and the rising traveling demand for relaxing vacation and mid-and-high grade travel products, more and more tourists are heading south especially tropical islands.

During the past week-long Chinese New Year holiday from Feb. 7-13, the Guangzhou-based carrier has handled more than 10,000 aircraft movements and up to 1.5 million passengers. Airline tickets sales showed that Sanya, Guangzhou, Zhuhai, Kunming and other tourist destinations in southwestern and southern China are popular choices for domestic traveling, while Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Taiwan, South Korea, Philippines and other countries in Southeast Asia are attracting more cross-border visitors.

To provide smooth trips and satisfactory services during the travel rush, China Southern has taken different measures. On Feb. 6, the airline launched an original and pioneering activity for 280,000 passengers to get 300,000 electronic red packets from WeChat platform, creating a joyous atmosphere of festival in cabin. Meanwhile, the carrier also arranged more wide-body aircrafts on popular air routes and send additional staffs to guarantee normal operation.

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