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Hyatt tries the guest photo approach to marketing

时间:2016-02-04 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Hyatt Hotels is to make a major push into the world of user generated marketing with the launch of a platform to capture pictures from social media platforms.

The new  platform, created by Olapic, works in two ways: it allows guests to upload their pictures and share across the Hyatt network, as well as scouring the social web to include other photos already shared online.

Visitors to the site, which has already included some 85,000 Instagram pictures associated with the chain’s 575 properties around the world, are then able to filter by hotel, or type of trip (such as beach, golf, family-friendly, wedding, etc).

The images are also streamed back to the individual websites on around 300 hotels belonging to the group.

Olapic’s role in the project is as a curator for content found elsewhere on the web, helping the chain obtain reproduction rights from image owners before sharing online on the platform and Hyatt hotel sites.

It’s not the first time that a major hotel chain has sought to inspire potential guests with user generated content.

Starwood embarked on a similar project in December 2013, whilst Sheraton was one of the early pioneers of such ideas when it included user generated content on an interactive globe on its homepage in late-2000s.

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