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Five Characteristics of China’s Tourism Development

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Central China Normal University and Wuhan Branch of China Tourism Academy jointly released a report shows five characteristics of China’s tourism development.

Central China Normal University and Wuhan Branch of China Tourism Academy jointly released China Tourism Development Report, 2014. The report shows five characteristics of China’s tourism development.

Hujing, president of Wuhan Branch of China Tourism Academy, described these five characteristics. 

First, the growth of domestic tourism market and outbound tourism market has slowed. The growth of inbound tourism market continued to decline.

Second, with many large groups entering tourism market, the investment subject tends to the diversification. Tourism Investment from private capital is going to be 57% of the total annual direct tourism investment. Private capital becomes the main force of tourism investment.

Third, the concept of tourism industry is increasing broad. Tourism consumptive behaviors are more personalized and diversified. Travel destinations are also broadened with cities, towns and villages becoming popular travel places. Further industry integration is the foundation stone of a growing number of Creative tourism, Online travel, MICE tourism, Tourism property. 

Fourth, online travel market has begun to take shape with its strong momentum of rapid development. Market transactions increased nearly five times higher than in 2008, up to 220.46 billion Yuan. Usage of online travel booking continued to rise.

Fifth, tourism management tends to be legalization. With the implement of Tourism Law,  China has entered a new stage to govern tourism by law.(Translation by Maggie)

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