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Foursquare enters trip planning melee with Trip Tips

时间:2016-01-27 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Hot on the heels of $45 million in funding and the promise of global expansion, Foursquare has unveiled a social planning tool called Trip Tips.

According to a blog post the social check-ins company will help users by enabling them to share a link to their holiday plans with friends.

Suggestions of things to do and places to see are then made into a list with a map which is saved on the user’s phone.

Foursquare announced its most recent funding less than two weeks ago with newly apppointed chief executive Jeff Glueck saying that its two new B2B areas – advertising platform Pinpoint and enterprise solutions Place Insights and Places tools for developers – now drive most of its revenue.

The move into online trip planning is interesting on a number of fronts. As pointed out in this article it’s a pretty tough arena to play in, with difficult problems to solve which many startups and tried   and failed to make headway.

However, this is not unfamiliar territory for Foursquare which launched an ‘Explore’ feature on its service four years ago describing it as “personalized search for the real world.”

At the time Foursquare was already talking about the enormous potential for data and how it was analysing it to find patterns.

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