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Mind the gap – what consumers want and get from travel sites

时间:2016-01-25 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Some interesting findings in this research from reservation and ecommerce system supplier Atcore which looks at customer satisfaction when booking a package holiday with an online travel site.

The research dispenses with the widely held belief that price is the single most important factor revealing that for 63% it is not.

In fact for most, what’s important is a combination of elements including price, selection, ability to specify detail, ease of use and ability to book multiple parts of a holiday in none place.

The study, which surveyed 1,500 consumers in the UK, Germany and Sweden, also reveals that less than half the sites used to book the consumers last holiday delivered what they actually wanted.

Features and functionality such as recommendations, the ability to share and ‘lifecycle communication’ such as text messages during a trip with tours suggestions were only ranked as important by 7%.

For 47% of consumers, ‘must-haves’ on travel sites are elements such as, more control in the search process through advanced searches, filtering and information on options and the ability to easily book more parts of the trip in one place.

However, almost a third say the last site they used had none of their top features with German travel sites offering them about 25% of the time and UK sites about 14% of the time.

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