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China’s Outbound Travel Market Expect to Rise

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

As part of its report “The Leading Gateway to the Chinese Traveler,” Attract China compiled the top five 2015 travel trends for Chinese tourism.

Research conducted by Attract China, Inc. predicts that 140 million Chinese tourists will go abroad in 2015 and spend more than US$188 billion. As many as 2.85 million Chinese travelers are expected to visit the U.S. and spend more ant US$15 billion. As part of its report “The Leading Gateway to the Chinese Traveler,” Attract China compiled the top five 2015 travel trends for Chinese tourism:

The number of independent travelers will continue to rise.

Under the new visa policy, Chinese travelers can continually visit the U.S. for 10 years on a single visa and no longer need a travel agency to complete the application process. According to a report by the U.S. Department of Commerce, as many as 7.3 million Chinese visitors are expect to travel to the U.S. by 2021, resulting in an economic impact of $85 billion.

They are seeking authentic local experiences.

Chinese tourists are expected to plan their own itineraries, spend an extended period of time in one region and seek unique local experiences that other Chinese travelers do not have access to. The growing importance of search and booking trips on mobile. According to the China Internet Network Information Center, China has more than 618 million Internet users and more than 80% of users access the web via a mobile device. In fact, the percentage of those using mobile apps has risen from 6% in 2013 to 17% in 2014. Travel booking is also going online with 53% of Chinese international travelers booking their hotel accommodation on the web or via mobile apps.

An increasing number of direct flights.

In 2006, there were ten non-stop flights between the U.S. and China, amounting to 2 million passenger trips per year. In 2014, the number of non-stop routes jumped to 35 and an additional three non-stop flights have already announced for 2015.

The rise of UnionPay cards.

The UnionPay brand has been expanding rapidly overseas with 400 domestic and overseas associate members, covering more than 140 countries and regions worldwide.

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