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Ningbo Marriott Hotel New Appointment

时间:2016-01-17 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

  Ms. Mindy Xia is a professional hotelier with over 10 years of luxury hospitality experience including Starwood and IHG.

  Ningbo Marriott Hotel has announced the appointment of Ms. Mindy Xia to the Director of Finance with immediate effect. In her new capacity, she will be responsible for finance operation.

  Ms. Mindy Xia is a professional hotelier with over 10 years of luxury hospitality experience including Starwood and IHG. Starting from the year 2006, she has been working as Director of Finance.

  As a newcomer, Ms. Mindy Xia feels very confident to the hotel team. With her extensive experience and mature management philosophy, she will sure to lead the finance team into a bright future.

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