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Tuniu Cooperates with Lvmama to Launch “Tickets Project”

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Lvmama’s users can pay the fee of tickets of 3000 Chinese scenery spots online. Under the agreement, Tuniu would launch this project.


Tuniu Corporation, a Chinese online leisure travel company, announced to sign an agreement with Lvmama. Lvmama’s users can pay the fee of tickets of 3000 Chinese scenery spots online. Under the agreement, Tuniu would launch this project. Tuniu’s "big area" strategy will accelerate the development of local scenery spots.

Tuniu began to provide users with ticket booking service since the April of 2011. Tuniu can rich its tickets products which will provide better service for users. In 2014, Tuniu accelerate the expansion of regional service centers to 75. The number of its regional service centers will reach 100 next year.

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