ChinaTravelNews – Zhejiang-based leisure travel and mini-vacation service Utour Travel (not related to OTA Utour) recently received a RMB30 million investment, boosting its estimated value to nearly RMB300 million. Utour Travel's car travel website Utour Travel has achieved rapid growth and development in the last ten years. In the last two years, the company has been drawing the attention of capital investors who are positive about the company’s strong growth outlook. Utour Travel has an expansive network of travel agencies and operates almost 60 offices in the Zhejiang area. The website has a large local market share and is the main eastern regional partner of major OTAs like Ctrip. It sells e-tickets for attractions, hotels and min-vacations located around metropolitan areas. In 2004, it provided high quality and convenient car travel service to 400,000 users. Utour Travel’s CEO Weibiao Tong said: “Utour Travel has one million active users in its customer big-data system. The latest financing will be used to develop products, new internet technologies, user service experience and to attract talent. We will launch a new convenience store-style “Online + Travel +Lifestyle” model of online travel store (OTS) that provides users with quality specialized tourism products and convenient efficient service to make ourselves the number one brand in leisure travel and local area mini-vacations.”() |