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Remark Media bets on Vegas.com

时间:2015-08-25 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

The public company bought the site from Greenspun, a family-owned firm that launched the site 17 years ago.

The Associated Press reports that the deal is valued at $15.5 million, plus stock.

Remark plans to shift Vegas.com’s to more emphatically target travelers who are millennial, or aged 18 to 34. Vegas.com says it attracts 3.4 million visitors a month. It competes to a certain extent with the city’s destination marketing company’s LasVegas.com.

In May 2014, Remark bought its first travel company, Roomlia, which offers a hotel-booking mobile app, for $6.8 million.

But it’s not primarily a travel company. It owns nine other digital properties, including Banks.com, a personal finance site; Bikini.com, a young adult lifestyle property; and BoWenWang, an education portal in China.

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