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ClickTripz buys TheSuitest to add data science to hotel technology

时间:2015-07-23 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

The company was created in 2013 by “hedge-fun coders and rocket scientists” to dive into over a trillion items of data to give a different perspective on existing hotel room information.

Now the team will be joining fellow California-housed ClickTripz as part of a financially undisclosed agreement to boost the existing services of the company.

The idea is that TheSuitest’s “data science capabilities” will be able to integrate into systems that help suppliers and online travel agencies increase their consumer conversion rates.

“Using a mix of metasearch technology and machine-learning enhanced targeting, the product displays rates from other channels on supplier websites and OTAs, allowing consumers to easily compare prices, without leaving to check rates.”

TheSuitest co-founders, Jeremy Murphy and Michael Aucoin, will both be joining ClickTripz as part of the deal.

ClickTripz CEO Ross Weber says:

“Mastering data management has always been an integral part of our business.

“With the acquisition of TheSuitest, we are doing more than just strengthening our internal data science capabilities – we are also extending that core competency to a new generation of tools and products for the online travel industry. These aim to help travel suppliers optimally sell their inventory.”

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