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WeChat claims Uber blockage was a malfunction

时间:2015-07-17 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

A system malfunction caused the blockage of Uber's account and posts about the company on WeChat, and WeChat is fixing the problem, a public relations representative of Tencent Holdings Ltd told the Global Times on Thursday.

WeChat users found that they were unable to find Uber's official WeChat account or stories about Uber through searching on WeChat, news portal ifeng.com reported on Thursday.

Further, while users were able to share stories about Uber on "Moment", WeChat's image- and information-sharing platform, they were unable to share stories with their friends on the service, the report said.

The report also cited an unidentified WeChat user who claimed that WeChat had started blocking Uber in March.

Any blockage was made by mistake, the Tencent PR representative said.

Meanwhile, Didi Dache, a car-hailing app backed by Tencent, had not had any problems on WeChat, the report said.

In addition to its involvement in Didi Dache, Tencent has coverage in almost every online sector for local services.

For example, the company has invested in group-buying website gaopeng.com and store and restaurant review website dianping.com.

Uber declined to comment when contacted by the Global Times on Thursday.

WeChat is one of the most popular instant messaging apps in China, and "Moment" is regarded as a rising social media platform.

As of the end of March, WeChat had 549 million users and more than 8 million official accounts for different brands, according to Tencent's first-quarter earnings report, which was released on May 13.

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