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Top Ten hot words of Chinese hotel and catering industry in 2014

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

China Hotel Association summarized Top Ten hot words of hotel and catering industry in 2014.

Top Ten Keywords of Chinese catering industry in 2014

Catering O2O

Experiential Food and Beverage

Central Kitchen

Wedding Feast

Second New Generation Brands

Supply Chain Integration

Crowdfunding Catering

Shopping Malls Catering

Special food

Miniaturized Restaurant 

 Top Ten Keywords of Chinese hotel industry in 2014

Cultural Theme Hotel

Mid-Range Hotel Chain Brand

Bed and Breakfast Inn

Boutique Hotel


Members Affiliate Program

Mobile Marketing

To Lower Star Level

Mergers and acquisitions

Going Global

百度搜索:Top Ten hot words of Chinese hotel and catering industry in 2014 查找更多相关信息!

Google Search:Top Ten hot words of Chinese hotel and catering industry in 2014 Find more information!

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