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National Standards for Scenic Area Maximum Carrying Capacity

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

The National Tourism Administration issued the “The Approved Guidelines of Scenic Area Maximum Visitors Carrying Capacity" for scenic area to control passengers flow.


During the New Year holiday, a tragedy happened on a crowded square of Shanghai's gleaming Bund area, which caused wide public concern. At least 35 revelers were killed and 42 others injured in a stampede at New Year celebrations in Shanghai.

Yesterday, the National Tourism Administration issued the “The Approved Guidelines of Scenic Area Maximum Visitors Carrying Capacity" which requires major scenic areas to calculate their Maximum Visitors Carrying Capacity and make relevant visitor flows control plan. Insiders pointed out that "The Guidelines" was released to control visitor flows of scenic areas by government regulation, which will help prevent the occurrence of the similar things like Shanghai New Year stampede.

The reporter learns that it’s not rare for scenic area to receive excessive passengers. During national holiday period of last year, the Badaling section of Great Wall in Beijing received 63,000 passengers a day. Ji'nan Zoo received 140,000 visitors a day... These figures reflect that many scenic areas received excessive passengers during the holidays.

According to "The Guidelines", the scenic areas should check and ratify the maximum visitors carrying capacity on the basis of national, local and industry policies and regulations. "The Guidelines" also gives a clear calculation methods and formulas.

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