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New Century Hotels teams with NJ Robotics to bring robots to the hotel industry

时间:2015-07-16 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

New Century Hotels and Resorts and NJ Robotics have signed a strategic partnership to jointly explore the applications of smart robots in the hotel industry.

New Century’s GM Miaoqiang Chen said the move is a necessary step towards achieving smart hotel development. “The successful development of the hotel robot market requires the creation of an internal ecosystem that includes RD, applications, channels and cloud platforms. This would be extremely difficult for any single company to do alone,” he said

New Century has the applicable environment, service and users while NJ Robotics has RD capabilities, talent and core robotics technology and tech partner Jin Shanzi Internet Technologies has internet consolidation and data analysis. The biggest market breakthrough can come only when companies with such diverse fields of expertise form effective cross-industry links. 

NJ Robotics will be responsible for RD to provide hotels with a service robot product series and robot cloud platform. Jin Shanzi Internet Technologies will be responsible for information system interfaces between robots and hotels and data analysis. New Century Hotels will be responsible for the application of hotel robots, operations and marketing.

The New Century Hotels and NJ Robotics partnership plans to launch an experimental encyclopedia robot and robot receptionist prototype series at New Century hotels in October.()

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