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Mapping the holiday purchase through social media

时间:2015-07-14 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

By using advanced social media analytics tools any organisation can map the customer’s purchase journey with the data they provide on social, ensuring we target the right consumer, at the right time with the right message, resulting in the right ROI.

Consumers love talking about holidays but they don’t just talk about being on the holiday itself.  This is crucial in mapping the journey.  The holiday is the delicious treat but there is a plethora of ingredients that go into making it happen:

the initial trigger that makes you desire a holiday (shared on social)
asking for recommendations (shared on social)
travelling to the destination (shared on social)
post holiday emotions and experiences (shared on social)

The customer’s journey to purchase a holiday in the digital era, is shared by consumers on social platforms.  Anything from “I need a holiday” (initial consideration) to “Just got back from holiday, would love to go again” (post-purchase) is documented online.

By identifying where the customer is on their journey, be it browsing destinations or writing a hotel review, you can target them with an appropriate content experience that will engage them.

Knowing when to deliver the right content

By pulling data on consumers at the start of their journey, we can look at trends about when they start desiring a holiday.

We can see that, although there are conversations throughout the year, there is a surge of people talking about needing a holiday at the start of April which carries on through until the end of August.

Providing the consumer with a content experience that fulfills this desire to go on holiday will thus resonate more from April to August.

Knowing what content experience to deliver up and when

Social Data analytics has moved on from just touching the surface (positive or negative sentiment) and can now dive deeper into the data enabling companies to gain actionable insights.

We can sort the data into customised categories to discover what type of holidays consumers desire to go on and at what time of the year these initial triggers occur; further insight into what content experience the consumer wants to be served up.

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