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Over 6 Million Chinese Tourists Visited South Korea in 2014

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

The latest data released by South Korea Tourism Organization shows that over 6126865 Chinese tourists visit South Korea during the last twelve months.


The latest data released by South Korea Tourism Organization shows that over 6126865 Chinese tourists visit South Korea during the last twelve months, up 41.6 percent from a year earlier (4326869 Chinese tourists).

Last year, over 16 million foreign tourists visited South Korea, up 8.3 percent from a year earlier (14.846 million Chinese tourists). The number of foreign visitors who visited South Korea in last December was totally 1086569, which had risen 17% from a year earlier.

The insiders said that due to large-scale promotional activities, lots of foreign tourists, especially Chinese tourists preferred to visit South Korea. In December, most of the visitors came to South Korea for shopping, up 52.2% from a year earlier. The majority of visitors are 20 to 39 years old, who are sensitive to the "Fashion from South Korea".

At the same time, the consumption of Chinese tourists is gradually growing. The latest data released by South Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade showed that average spending by Chinese visitors who visited South Korea raised from 1,262 dollars in 2008 to 2,272 dollars, an increase of 80% .

In contrast, the average spending by American tourists during the same period raised from 1370 dollars to 1470 dollars slowly. The average spending by Japan tourists decreased from 1033 dollars to 990 dollars.

Chinese tourists visiting South Korea are expected to exceed 8 million. Korea Culture and Tourism Institute said that Chinese tourists will be increased by 28% to 7.94 million people this year, accounting for about 49% of the overall foreign tourists.

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