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Hotel Trends to Consider in 2015

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

We have gathered together the basics you’ll need to stay on board this year. Tune into these trends for a prosperous 2015!

With the New Year brings a new set of expectations from guests, so if you’re still advertising your free lobby WiFi, you should probably keep reading;

2015 is all about relevant marketing and using technology to better service guests.

We took the liberty of gathering together the basics you’ll need to stay on board this year. Tune into these trends for a prosperous 2015!

Visual Storytelling

In a world where we increasingly interact more with technology than with humans, it’s essential to put a face on your hotel. These days, everyone is a “visual learner” and in 2015 telling your brand’s unique stories visually is going to be more important than ever. You’ll see brands building an impression through more impactful imagery like this amazing Virgin Hotels ad.

Video is now an expected part of the e-commerce experience. If consumers expect to see a video of the shoes they want on Zappos before proceeding to checkout, how much more would they like to see their room before shelling out $200 for one night? (Not to diminish that rewarding element of surprise.)

All you need is a smartphone that takes decent video to start showing off your property through videos, digital tours, photos, blog posts, and newsletters. A digital marketing strategy is no longer just nice to have–it’s a prerequisite for modern commerce. Every touchpoint you have with guests, from social media to your blog and website, to your response style on TripAdvisor is an opportunity to reinforce your brand story.

Tech-Friendly Customer Service

Time to get your robots in a row. We ended 2014 with Hyatt Hotels integrating their hotel mobile app with Uber, making transportation even more convenient for their guests.

This year, guests will expect to see hotel apps that make it easy for them to make their requests known swiftly and efficiently.

How about getting some poolside drinks or room service without having to talk to people? (Sometimes you wanna keep that midnight hamburger order strictly need-to-know.) Apps are also a great way to promote your loyalty program—or pillow selection.

After all, there’s nothing like finding out at the end of your stay that you could’ve opted for organic buckwheat over duck feathers. Right? Guests want a seamless approach to everything and they prefer to use fewer apps if possible. So pack as much value as you can into that app if you build one.

Hilton and Starwood are taking mobile to the next level by letting guests use their smartphones as room keys and for check-in/check-out, among other capabilities. Virgin Hotels has an app in the works that will include a slew of features, such as housekeeping requests, 24-hour live chat with hotel staff, room climate control, TV remote functionality, and much more.

More Than Millennials

Last year we couldn’t even glance at our feeds without hearing about Millennials. But this year, we’re reminding property owners not to forget about other generations including Baby Boomers–still the wealthiest group of travelers out there and now at the height of their travel careers.

Born between 1946 and 1964, Boomers have been working for decades and are ready for some time off to travel, plus they’ve got money to spend with some big inheritances from their parents.

It’s easy to jump to conclusions about Boomers–assuming they only like to do low-key old people things like tea time and church retreats.

Newsflash! Boomers are actually some of the most active travelers out there. And you best not market to them as senior citizens. You can learn all about Baby Boomers and their active travel habits in our brand-spankin’ new eBook.


We heard a lot of buzz about personalization last year, but in 2015 personalization will become crucial as big data continues to give us fewer excuses to not know our audience. Today there are so many ways to get to know your guests. Use that info to make each step of their journey better; starting with the booking experience and ending with a thoughtful response to their online review.

Once you have done your research (or spying if you’re cheap) and learned the preferences of your guests, you can begin to customize amenities to their liking and build trust. Try welcoming them with their favorite bottle of wine, or simply delivering their favorite newspaper to their room in the morning. Small touches of personalization add up to a big impression these days. Keep guests emotionally engaged by showing how well you’re paying attention to their preferences.

Responsive Design

Nothing new here, but we can’t help ourselves from reminding you.

Having a responsive website was essential in 2012, so if you’re not with the program at this point, then we don’t even know.

Look, perfectly reasonable people are viewing your hotel website on their tablets or smartphones just steps away from their laptops or desktops.

Because laziness. And convenience. It’s important that the beauty of your property transfers to your website and that your website conveys that beauty seamlessly across all devices. Your website should be designed for your visitors to painlessly make their way through the booking process whether waiting in a dingy subway, or chilling on their very own couches.

Yes, every year trends change, but in the travel world we are always growing and learning. So, take these tips as inspiration for 2015 and do your best to innovate! We’ll be right here along the way to help you out.

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