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Wyndham Hotels Partners With Elavon for Secure Payments

时间:2015-07-01 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Wyndham Hotel Group has signed a multi-year agreement with Elavon to integrate secure payment technology.

Wyndham Hotel Group has signed a multi-year agreement with Elavon to integrate secure payment technology for approximately 4,500 of the company’s more than 7,600 hotels over the next 18 months. The integration leverages Elavon’s Fusebox gateway and Simplify payment security software application to remove cardholder data from each hotel’s property management system.

This layered approach to security includes encryption, tokenization and EMV acceptance devices and helps hotels mitigate risk associated with PCI compliance and the EMV liability shift coming in October 2015.


Elavon seamlessly integrates gateway and security solutions, providing an offering that addresses all the payment needs of a hospitality enterprise’s acceptance environment.

“Wyndham Hotel Group is in the midst of an industry-leading transformation when it comes to the technology, tools and resources that we make available to our franchisees,” said Keith Pierce, executive vice president, global systems operations at Wyndham Hotel Group.

Using Fusebox, hotels mitigate the risk of having cardholder data stolen because they never have access to the data. When a customer pays with a credit or debit card for accommodations, goods or services via Elavon's Simplify payment software, Fusebox immediately creates a token, or a randomized number, that replaces the actual cardholder data, essentially isolating the real information from the hotel’s systems.

Tokenization is widely used in card-not-present environments such as e-commerce and is highly recommended as part of a layered approach to security and meeting PCI compliance requirements.

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