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The Most Influential Brand Award Ceremony in Hospitality Industry, 2014 is Successfully Held

时间:2015-07-01 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

On June 30th, 2015, "The Most Influential Brand Award Ceremony in Hospitality Industry, 2014" by Meadin.com and People.cn is held at New World Hotel Beijing.

BEIJING, June 30, 2015 /Meadin.COM/--On June 30th, 2015, "The Most Influential Brand Award Ceremony in Hospitality Industry, 2014" by Meadin.com and People.cn is held at New World Hotel Beijing. More than 60 hotel brand executives, 10 founders of supplier brands and 40 mainstream media executives attend the Award Ceremony.

China's hospitality industry has become increasingly mature. However, the industry has suffered the impact of Internet marketing. Surrounded by big data, it is difficult for China's hospitality industry to get further breakthroughs. Hotels are increasingly aware of the importance of the brand in the process of development. "Brand market segmentation" becomes an annual keyword.

As the largest authoritative of hospitality industry,Meadin.COM launched Meadin Brand Index (MBI) to promote the development of hospitality industry. After three years of development and perfection, MBI has been widely known to the industry and provided sophisticated data for the brand construction of the hotel.

Meadin Brand Index (MBI) is released exclusively by Meadin.com, providing index data that reflect the brands (including relative brands of hotels and suppliers) influence for a period of time. MBI includes two parts which cover hotel brands and supplier brands. The index for hotel brands mainly analyzes brand influence from four dimensions: Public Sentiment Index, Media Index, Search Index and Operation Index. The index for supplier brands mainly analyzes brand influence from three dimensions: the user's influence, the media influence and industry influence.

Now, many successful brand builders and sensitive media come together to witness a grand event of hospitality industry.

On June 30th, 2015, “The Most Influential Brand Award Ceremony in Hospitality Industry, 2014” initiated by Meadin.COM and People.cn is successfully closed at New World Beijing Hotel. More than 60 hotel brand executives, 10 founders of supplier brands and 40 mainstream media executives attend the Award Ceremony.

Jingsheng Xu, the Secretary-General from China Hotel Association

Jingsheng Xu, the Secretary-General from China Hotel Association has made a speech about "how to improve the brand influence of China's hospitality industry." Mr.Xu said, "China’s hospitality industry is facing unusual fierce competition, we must use new thinking and new methods with the help of Internet to boost the development of brands in China’s hospitality industry, to grasp the new opportunities and walk out of the country successfully and make our brands settle all over the world."

George Qiao, CEO of Hangzhou East Sunnet Science and Technology Co., Ltd

George Qiao, CEO from Hangzhou East Sunnet Technology Co., Ltd. has made opening speech. He points out that “As one of the biggest flow inlets offline, hotel cluster will perform greater commercial value, start to raise public data platform by itself or develop with third-party one day. Meadin Brand Index (MBI) is exactly the beginning of data research in hospitality industry.”

Qin Luo, COO of Hangzhou East Sunnet Technology Co., Ltd.

After the opening of ceremony, Qin Luo, COO from Hangzhou East Sunnet Technology Co., Ltd. has interprets Meadin Brand Index (MBI) system deeply. The Most Influential Brand Award Ceremony in Hospitality Industry, 2014 contains hotel brands and hotel supplier brands. From the interpretation of Meadin Brand Index (MBI) system, we could see the ranking list of all brands very intuitively. Mr. Luo reviews four years’s of development process of MBI, we can see the monitoring brands become more and more and the data is also more perfect. The continuous rising curve also indicates that China's hospitality industry will pay more attention on shaping and upgrading brands in the future.

Dawei Wang, Vice Director of Online Strategic Department of Public Opinion Monitoring Office of Peopledaily 

Dawei Wang, Vice Director of Online Strategic Department in Public Opinion Monitoring Office from Peopledaily says in his speech - Brand Reputation Management in the era of Internet+ that” this is a public microphone era.From the traditional forum / BBS to micro blog, WeChat and news client side, "everyone has a microphone”. Internet has become the independent source for hot events exposure and the major platform for release public opinions.In era of big data, how to avoid the risk of public opinion, to respond to public opinion, to guide public opinion to right direction and to release positive energy are common problems faced by enterprises.

Jianwei Dong, the Industry Research Director of Baidu Institute of Marketing

Jianwei Dong, the Industry Research Director from Baidu Institute of Marketing has use big data to know more about hotel consumers. We can see it very clearly in this data that the consumers from economy hotels, midscale hotels and upscale hotels are all have their unique characteristics. From the changes of the curve, we can also see the rapid growth of hotel wireless search. Wireless consumption has becomes a trend, while wireless search is an important part of improving hotel's influence and marketing.

Finally, the biggest highlight of the award ceremony – the opening of “The Most Influential Brand Award Ceremony in Hospitality Industry, 2014” is officially launched. TOP3 of The Most Potential Hotel Brands, TOP10 of The Most influential International Upscale Hotel Brands, Top 10 of the Most Influential Chinese Upscale Hotel Brands, Top 10 of the Most Influential Boutique Hotel Brands, Top 10 of the Most Influential Mid-scale Hotel Brands, Top 10 of the Most Influential Economy Hotel Brands and TOP4 of The Most Popular Supplier Brands are revealed respectively, which leads the ceremony to climax.

In the era of era, brand is still the foundation of the development of enterprises, and big data is a new force. When "brand", "influence" is given scientific and rigorous data, they will become the industry's benchmark for measuring their own. In the grand ceremony of China’s hospitality industry, the datamation of hotel brands data has become a reality. So far, “The Most Influential Brand Award Ceremony in Hospitality Industry, 2014” is successfully closed, let’s look forward to the ceremony next year.

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