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Dawei Wang: Everybody Holds Discourse Power in This Age

时间:2015-07-01 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Mr. Wang points out that everybody holds the discourse power in the age of the internet.

BEIJING, June 30, 2015 /Meadin.COM/--On June 30th, 2015, "The Most Influential Brand Award Ceremony in Hospitality Industry, 2014" by Meadin.com and People.cn is held at New World Hotel Beijing. More than 60 hotel brand executives, 10 founders of supplier brands and 40 mainstream media executives attend the Award Ceremony.

At the conference, Dawei Wang, Vice Director of Online Strategic Department of Public Opinion Monitoring Office of Peopledaily Online, makes a speech.


Dawei Wang, Vice Director of Online Strategic Department of Public Opinion Monitoring Office of Peopledaily Online, makes a speech

Mr. Wang points out that everybody holds the discourse power in the age of the internet. No matter the traditional BBS, micro blog, WeChat or news client, everybody has a “microphone” in front of them. Internet has become the main platform and the independent source for the hot issues. In recent years, compared with the traditional media, online public opinions have an increasing impact on the topic trend. In some ways, it is an important part the enterprises have to consider that whether they can know the information and grasp the pulse of the internet in the first time. All the enterprises are faced with many common problems such as how to avoid the risk of negative public opinion, to respond to public distrust and how to guide the direction of public opinions and to spread positive energy to the industry and social.

The Age has spawned many new media. The status of new media era is reflected by multimedia, multi platform, and multi account, multi material, such as WeChat, microblog, all kinds of software clients and web station

Which has a representative of the new media, including micro channel, microblogging, all kinds of software clients, website.

These new media have three major characteristics:

1. Interactivity and immediacy are key features of new media. Besides, new media provides massive information for users to share. Multimedia and hypertext are also widely used in new media.

2. Media use and content selection become more personalized, which leads to more detailed market segmentation.

3. The disseminators become more diversified. The content is more abundant. The spread modes are popularization and the spread processes become more interactive.

Huge fan bases emerge with the birth of new media. These fans encourage fans economy. For an enterprise, the personal charm of the entrepreneur and the image of the enterprise are playing a more and more important role in the field of marketing. Enterprise appealing becomes one of the important factors for fans to buy its products. Objectively, the entrepreneur becomes a "public speaker" and the images of corporation are often personified.

In this condition, the big data becomes an important part to promote the development of enterprises. It makes the market information to get quick feedback. In addition, the brand communication becomes complicated and changeable. Corporate brand reputation management can be normalized. It’s a huge turning point for the reputation management with the help of big data.

1. “speech” changes to” dialogue”. Enterprises and consumers achieve a real-time communication, changing from the previous state.

2. “Coping” changes to “Prevention”. Information can be predicted in big data era, so enterprises can prevent some bad things from occurring.

3. Transmission of information changes form “one way” to “multi ways”.

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