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Jianwei Dong : Decryption of The Most Intimate Stranger

时间:2015-07-01 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

When hotels use search results to know more about consumers, we will find what consumers exactly want, and eliminate the distance.

BEIJING, June 30, 2015 /Meadin.COM/--On June 30th, 2015, "The Most Influential Brand Award Ceremony in Hospitality Industry, 2014" by Meadin.com and People.cn is held at New World Hotel Beijing. More than 60 hotel brand executives, 10 founders of supplier brands and 40 mainstream media executives attend the Award Ceremony.

Jianwei Dong, the Industry Research Director  of Baidu Institute of Marketing

At the ceremony, Jianwei Dong, the Industry Research Director of Baidu Institute of Marketing releases the data of hotel consumers and uses Baidu big data to decrypt hotel consumers.

For hotels, understanding consumers is the first prerequisite for launching marketing work. What habit dose consumers have in spending and demanding? From the search conditions of search engine, we can see the whole part through a small segment. Jianwei Dong analyzes the consumers from upscale hotels, midscale hotels and economy hotels respectively.

From the analysis we can see that upscale hotels have satisfied the life service demand of consumers because of the additional product of the wedding, afternoon tea, fitness, honeymoon. And the search frequency and marketing opportunities also appear high growth.

The search frequency of economy hotels declines, but the growth of consumer reviews indicates that consumers are change from passive accepter to active recommender; therefore, economy hotels need word-of-mouth marketing.

Midscale hotel brands showing a cross category competition pattern currently, but they haven’t formed a prominent focus for consumers concerns. The high speed of development of midscale hotel brands is thanks to the multi level and multi brand strategy.

After Integrating all the hotel categories, we can see that their consumers share a common transformation: the wireless search of hotels is in a rising trend, among which the wireless search of upscale hotels has increased by 39%, midscale hotels has increased by 8%, economy hotels has increased by 5%. In the wireless terminal travel APP, the download volume of APP in reservation class is also the largest, and it always maintains the trend of growing. Thus, wireless consumption has become the mainstream way of consuming of the consumers.

When hotels use these search results to know more about consumers, we will find what consumers exactly want, and eliminate the distance and become intimate in the end.

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