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Marriott launches new social platform

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Marriott International, Inc. has launched a custom-built social platform that features real stories submitted by guests about customer service, community service, innovation, culture and recognition.

Marriott International, Inc. has launched Heart of the House, a custom-built social platform that features real stories submitted by guests about customer service, community service, innovation, culture and recognition. The platform is intended to enforce Marriott’s global strategy of developing, producing and distributing content that informs and entertains consumers.

Heart of the House is now live and will be updated with new content every week. The website also includes “Checking In,” a Q&A series that profiles exceptional employees who came up with new ideas that made a big difference, went above and beyond for guests, or have unique roles at the hotel. A new film series called “Day in the Life” is another regular feature Heart of the House and featured one- to two- minute installments of shadowing a Marriott employee for a work day.

“Storytelling is an opportunity for us to have an emotional transaction with the consumer and it builds a relationship in a unique way,” said David Beebe, vice president of global creative and content marketing at Marriott. “Engaging content builds communities that drive commerce. At the end of the day, content done right equals heads in beds.”

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