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Building on the Practices of Top Employer Brands

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Hudson RPO and HRO Today magazine surveyed 324 senior-level HR executives on employer branding strategy and practices. Here are some of the findings.

How to launch a successful employer brand?

Hudson RPO and HRO Today magazine surveyed 324 senior-level HR executives on employer branding strategy and practices.

The results were released in July 2014 in a report called “How to Launch a Successful Employer Brand: Building on the Practices of Top Employer Brands,” which analyzes practices that distinguish Top Employer Brands from Other Brands.

The report also provides practical recommendations on implementing an employer branding strategy and program to engage quality candidates and improve employee retention.

Some of the findings include:

● High-level executive buy-in is significantly greater for Top Employer Brands as compared to Other Brands for members of the executive team (79.9% vs. 61.4%, respectively) and the CEO/President (75.5% and 55.4%, respectively).

● Nearly one-half (44.6%) of Top Employer Brands indicated that they have defined organizational responsibilities for their employer brands, versus only 17.6% of Other Brands.

● Top Employer Brands focus more on value to current employees: 49.1% of Top Brands have a documented up-to-date employee value proposition versus 20.0% of Other Brands.

● Top Employer Brands have an average budget of 52.1% more than Other Brands to support their employer brand initiatives

●The employees’ role in promoting the employer brand was rated 75.7 out of 100 for Top Brands versus 51.0 among Other Brands.

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